Millennial Report: From Tamagotchis to Fanny Packs- Millennials are Willing to Splurge on Nostalgia
I’m a creature of habit. I wear only a few outfits on rotation (although you’d never know it from my jam-packed closet) and purchase roughly the same groceries week after week. However, last month I decided to branch out a bit and did something outrageous : I bought a new flavor of yogurt. Insignificant and, frankly, ridiculous as that purchase may seem, that one change in my routine completely altered my week. Here’s why: The second I took a bite, I was instantly transported to a different time. It was a flavor I hadn’t tasted in over 20 years, since the nineties, although I couldn’t pinpoint what it was. The yogurt was shockingly tangy, too sweet, and absolutely disgusting—I would normally have wanted to spit it out immediately. But it was familiar in an almost comforting way. After a few days of frantic Google searching—yes, days. I couldn’t let it go—I finally pinpointed the flavor. It tasted exactly like a yogurty treat with sprinkles able to change color, a favorite f...