Introduction to Best Practices for eCommerce Personalization Focus Report
Sophelle created a Focus Report on Best Practices for eCommerce Personalization. In the first blog post in this series, we’ll introduce key concepts from the report. Get access to the full report . With all the different stimuli, options, mediums, and content available today, retailers are continuously searching for better ways to connect and engage with their audiences and potential customers. By some estimates, an individual is now exposed to 6,000-10,000 advertisements in a single day . So how can retailers offer customers rich, relevant experiences that cut through the clutter and create authentic engagement? The answer is digital personalization. The Importance of Personalization in eCommerce Personalization is the highly effective process of tailoring customer experiences for specific individuals. 90% of customers find marketing personalization appealing, and 80% of retailers report that personalization has increased their revenue . Most retailers know they should be inco